Cyndie and I got off a train today to walk around the train station asking people where our next train was and then we got back on the same train. Little language barrier problem.

We made it to Austria and checked into our hostel by noon. This is probably the least nice place we have stayed so far. I found a bug in the bed but Cyndie said it wasn't a bed bug. Guess I'll have to trust her on this. She did some researching before we left cause she was all freaked out about bed bugs.
We were completely lost on what to do today, but we knew we wanted to spend it outside because the rain is suppose to come tomorrow. So we started looking for some bikes to rent. I found out Austria has one of the most technical downhill tracks in the world, but Cyndie didn't want to ride DH. We ended up getting some towny bikes which turned out to be perfect because we basically saw all of Innsbruck. See this is why I love bikes, you can cover so much more ground and it's more fun and it doesn't hurt.

We rode to a little historic district and actually put in 20 miles on the townys. Innsbruck is super cool. Absolutely everyone here rides bikes all over. There are 10 times more bikes than cars. The cooler part is it actually seems like the bike is cooler the more crappy it looks. Some bikes didn't even look like they should roll.

Most people don't even lock their bikes but some do with just a little tiny cable. If someone showed up with a normal pair of bolt cutters he could pretty much have his pick. This might be
Why the ride super junky bikes. I'd like to know the stats on how many get stolen.
We stopped in a little plaza where there was a bunch of street performers and found this little tasty treat. Very original.
We ditched the bikes and hunted down an authentic Austrian dinner. We asked some locals and found out that this is where wienerschinzals came from so we found a restaurant known for that. We had a wienerschinzal and some tylorean. Tylorean is this dumplings gravey meat sort of thing. We can just refer to it as delicious. After dinner we grabbed an ice cream cone and strolled back to the hostel. Walking back to the hostel in Austria was actually the first time I felt a little unsafe. We passed a couple sketchy bus stops and there wasn't many people out so it just made me a little more alert.
Here's a picture of me in a typical old man German hat.

Safe with the bed bugs now. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
So, Dusty, I guess this means you are a pro at rolling your R’s when speaking Italian?
Come hai fatto a così bene così in fretta?
You sure are getting some great pictures. I am looking forward to seeing more when you guys get home.
I LOVE your blog! I just read all the entries =)
Looks like you guys are having so much fun! Glad you're finding bikes to ride!
PS Cyndie - did you find a backpack?
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