The Arch of Constantine (Italian: Arco di Costantino) is a triumphal arch in Rome, situated between the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill. It was erected to commemorate Constantine I's victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge on October 28, 312. Dedicated in 315, it is the latest of the existing triumphal arches in Rome, from which it differs by spolia, the extensive re-use of parts of earlier buildings. Constantine legalized Christanity in Rome.
Rome is really neat to see and humbling from the history, but three days is plenty for this country boy. Time for the Gillinghams to head on to some wide open Tuscany spaces.
Today we saw most of Old Rome including the Colosseum, Patheon, A prison where Peter and Paul were help captive, Spanish Steps and some really cool town squares. We walked almost 16 miles today. My feet are screaming by the end of the day. I'm looking forward to seeing some of Italy by car, but I'm not looking forward to trying to navigate out of this city. I think driving in this city will probably resemble running form the cops while tryi8ng not to hit babies playing in the streets.
Street performers

I have a little bone to pic with Italy right now. What the heck is up with the food! Yeah that's right I said it. The food sucks so far, and we've even given some nice restaurants a try that were recommend by my friend from school who is from Rome. She said "go here it's super authentic Italian", and you know what I got some cheese that tasted like a camp fire. Okay I'm being a little dramatic here because the ravioli was decent, but I was expecting some super good food and have been rather disappointed so far. I sure hope it gets better as we get to less touristy areas.
The Ninja turtle subway

Better get a full nights rest to face the Italian streets tomorrow. No proof read tonight so have fun with the errors.
Oh, and we lost the cable to the camera so I won't be uploading pics to the mobile me account till I find it or when we get home. and things might slow down a little without an iternet connection too, but i'll try.
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