The red flag should have been the people that suggest the show to us. A very nice senior citizen couple just loved this Tyrolean folk show they attend last night and suggested we go see it. Well we had nothing going on so we rounded up some tickets at the tourist info station and made our way to the folk center by bus. The place was also a restaurant and we had a pretty good dinner before the show. It was more tyrolean food that had delicious dumplings mixed with some scrambled eggs. It tasted like a good homemade scramble from Cracker Barrel.
When we went and sat down in the stage area something felt a little off. I said "Cyndie do you notice something here?" she just started laughing cause we just wondered into something that would resemble a Red Hat Club prom littered with q-tips (little old lady with poofy hair) and bald heads.

We gaped everyone in there by at least 30 years. Icing on the cake was you could pick up a VHS for 20 euro at intermission and people were.
I don't feel like I wasted my money because I was entertained to some degree. However, it was almost awkward for us being we didn't experience the depression like everyone else.
Now let me tell you about the show. I think yodeling began from people getting wasted and wanting to hoot and holler because well... they were drunk. The dancing was just straight up goofy.
And though I'm sure yodeling is difficult when done correctly. I think I could probably do a pretty good job just acting silly.
Some interesting things from the night where the instruments they chose to play. Basically if you were sitting at at a dinner table you had the full orchestra. They would use spoons on sticks, cowbells, hit hammers on rocks' chop wood, and one guy even used his knuckles to hit the table.
This goes to show how song and dance can bring people together to enjoy life (although beer might of helped a lot with this genre). I may not have a musical bone in my body but I'm pretty sure I could play all the instruments they did tonight to some extent. I find it interesting that all the senior citizens were entertained to their hearts content while I was thinking to myself "this really isn't music it's just dressing up an making noise". But come to think of it that's probably how older generations see my generation and the music we like. In fact almost all generations can be divided this way. One of my favorite bands is an Irish punk band that brings folk music to a whole new level. I want all those senior citizens to attend a Flogging Molly concert with me to see how an accordion should really be played "in my humble opinion :) "
What's left of the flag, by Flogging Molly
All differences and generation gaps set aside at the end of the show they sang typical songs from every nation. For USA they did Yankee doodle (I think). They would have anybody from that country stand up and sing along. There were people from everywhere. Germany, Poland, Canada, Japan, Korea, and many more. It was really interesting to hear all the languages and see all the people gathered together in peace enjoying the universal language. Music.
I loved this post, Dusty. SO FUNNY!
I feel sorry for that poor girl who just spun around and around and around for more than 30 seconds. I could have never done that.
I enjoyed your perspective and commentary! THANKS!
I'm clutching my computer screen and rolling on the ground with laughter, seriously. The quadruple knee, leg, foot, hand slap jump to stage slap move was the bees knees. Classic.
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