I like the long train rides. Train rides force everything to pause. Time out! The feeling you get that your vacation time is coming to an end and reality is catching you slips away. There's really nothing you can do but throw on some good tunes and just watch the country side go by.
Well if you're Cyndie than you just sleep. Riding on the trains is probably one of my favorite things about this vacation. It provides valuable reflection time.

I made a playlist before I left home called "glass cage". It's basically a bunch of songs that bring all different kinds of emotions out of me. I have those songs on there that take you back in time to a place in your life and just make you think how time is just flying by. How do I get this sand to flow slower through this hour glass called life? There's still so much to do and see. I heard some great advice the other day at church. It was to try and take the words "should have" or "shoulda" out of your vocabulary. There's nothing we can do about time that's past except remember it so choose to only remember the things that brought you joy or something you learned a valuable lesson from. There should be no life long regrets, only well feathered steps. Don't sweet the small stuff and enjoy what short time we have in this glimpse of eternity.
See, she's a sleepy head. And a pretty head. A pretty sleepy head.

1 comment:
Cyndie got that gift of being able to sleep from her Nani. I wish I could do that!
When do you head back to the USA!?
I have loved your blogs.
Thanks for sharing your vacation and your 5th anniversary with us.
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